Saturday, December 14, 2013


My daughter who was born June 17th, 2011 had what her GI specialist says is one of the worst cases of food intolerance. She had rash (they claimed eczema and gave me steroid cream), projectile vomiting (drs said it was acid reflux- gave me Rx for it), Cried inconsolably for 8 hours at a time not sleeping (drs said it was colic and there was nothing I could do, "She will grow out of it") and then the last symptom that broke me- bloody stools (looks like black flecks in poo). I did everything in my power with what the drs told me, and against my heart gave my baby girl all those meds and even tried 'allergy friendly' formulas, such as NeoCate and Elecare- to which I almost had to force feed her it (she hated it!) only to get her to drink an oz and have her so upset and in pain still.

I had tried taking dairy out of my diet and waited the two weeks. It didnt work. I then added soy to eliminate. Still, didnt work.  My birth doula had mentioned doing a TOTAL elimination diet, which I will outline on this blog.

Lets just say that her GI specialist said she had only seen about 5 babies with such bad food intolerance as my daughter and that she was the healthiest one! She believes that it is due to me sticking to breastfeeding and doing the diet vs. switching to formula.

I wont say the diet is easy. You will need support and time to prepare foods. But I would love to be here to help out- perhaps offer some meal ideas for your cravings, offer you companies that make (for-real) allergy free foods.

I am such an advocate because not only did it heal my daughter, but any ailments I had my entire life (GI issues, rapid heart rate, depression, anxiety attacks, glucose issues, reoccurring yeast and sinus infections) have all been resolved and I am not on any medications. 

I am looking forward to going back to school and changing my major from accounting (which i still love btw!) to nutrition. I would love to reach out to people- anyone, breastfeeding moms, or those who may not even know that diet is making them sick. Currently, I am due with baby #2 and we are also moving soon, so things have been crazy busy here, but I would love to help when I can~!

Hugs mamas~!